eventOne Labs

Welcome to eventOne's Open Source Software project!

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52 Stars - 26 Forks

🔒 Generate a HTML report for NPM Audit

GitHub repository
38 Stars - 12 Forks

🚀 Publish APKs to Google Play directly from the terminal

GitHub repository
29 Stars - 20 Forks

💳 Capacitor plugin for Stripe Terminal (credit card readers)

GitHub repository
9 Stars - 0 Forks

📢 Create a product roadmap website with GitLab Issue Boards as a backend!

GitHub repository
3 Stars - 0 Forks

🛠 AWS S3 Review Apps Tools CLI

GitHub repository
1 Stars - 1 Forks

💻 A set of basic utilities for Apache Cordova apps.

GitHub repository
migrate-mongoose-esm Fork
2 Stars - 0 Forks

A node based migration framework for mongoose supporting ES6 migrations

GitHub repository
0 Stars - 1 Forks

🏠 eventOne Labs Website - Deprecated in favor of event1.io/open-source

GitHub repository
1 Stars - 0 Forks

👨‍👩‍👦‍👦 A database of homeschool events

GitHub repository
1 Stars - 0 Forks

💻 Easily modularize your GraphQL schema

GitHub repository
Rallly Fork
0 Stars - 0 Forks

Rallly is a free collaborative scheduling service

GitHub repository
0 Stars - 0 Forks

📈 A simple analytics API. - WIP

GitHub repository
bundletool Fork
0 Stars - 0 Forks

An unofficial wrapper around bundletool to be able to use it in code

GitHub repository
0 Stars - 0 Forks

A variety of Docker images

GitHub repository