38 Stars - 12 Forks
🚀 Publish APKs to Google Play directly from the terminal
GitHub repositorycapacitor-stripe-terminal
29 Stars - 20 Forks
💳 Capacitor plugin for Stripe Terminal (credit card readers)
GitHub repositorygitlab-roadmap
9 Stars - 0 Forks
📢 Create a product roadmap website with GitLab Issue Boards as a backend!
GitHub repositorycordova-utils
1 Stars - 1 Forks
💻 A set of basic utilities for Apache Cordova apps.
GitHub repositorymigrate-mongoose-esm Fork
2 Stars - 0 Forks
A node based migration framework for mongoose supporting ES6 migrations
GitHub repositoryeventonehq.github.io
0 Stars - 1 Forks
🏠 eventOne Labs Website - Deprecated in favor of event1.io/open-source
GitHub repositorybundletool Fork
0 Stars - 0 Forks
An unofficial wrapper around bundletool to be able to use it in code
GitHub repository